Author: Tanner Eggert

I'm a 23-year-old first-year graduate student in the Department of Chemistry at Princeton University. I graduated with a B.S. in biochemistry with a minor in mathematics from Northeastern University in May 2019. I created Doctorately to share advice and experiences with other students and young professionals with the aim of developing a supportive community regardless of field.

Lessons from Leaders: Bob Lipscomb – CEO of Williams Co.

In Lessons from Leaders, I converse with high-achievers of various types from various industries to learn about their values and how they achieved success. Such leaders will generally include business executives and academics. These articles are the distillation of what I learn from my conversations with these people. What is Williams Company? Williams Co. is a general contracting firm located...

Book Recommendation: Thinking, Fast and Slow

Daniel Kahneman is a professor of psychology emeritus at Princeton University and won the 2002 Nobel prize in economics. In this masterpiece, Kahneman condenses some 40 years of his groundbreaking research in the field of behavioral psychology and makes it understandable to the nonspecialist. It is dense but informative and entertaining throughout. His prose is very engaging because he recounts...